Tuesday , February 11 2025

Cross Line and Rotary: What Renders These Lasers the Most Common Types

In the world of power tools, accuracy and power are everything. Timber is split with drills and blades, stone is hammered and broken, and metal is sheared and shaped. And once all of them are reformed to our requirements, we take a step back and look for the straight lines. This is where lasers come in handy. Knowing what type of laser you need for a certain job is essential as there is a vast array of products designed for different applications. Some, however, like the laser level cross line and rotary lasers, are capable of performing multiple applications.

Crossline Laser Levels

Cross Line Lasers

A laser level cross line projects both vertical and horizontal laser lines which produce a cross on the work surface, hence its name. Furthermore, these tools extremely useful for creating precise angles when installing fixtures like shelves and kitchen cabinets, as well as when tilling onto walls. Cross lines are the primary function of laser level cross line lasers, but you can also turn off either the vertical or horizontal lines independently, which gives you a single laser line as the one seen in conventional lasers. They are also available with a pulse mode, which when used with a detector, you can pick up a level point when the laser isn’t visible to the human’s eye. These have been designed to be used when working in a bright light or outdoors. The typical uses of cross line lasers include:

  • Fitting tiles onto walls
  • Installation of drop ceilings and partition walls
  • Precise installation of kitchen fixtures, cabinets and shelving
  • Layout and installation of plumbing and electrical systems

Rotary Lasers

Rotary lasers produce a laser line of 360° over long distances, making them ideal for big projects such as leveling entire work sites. One laser diode of the rotary laser spins rapidly which gives the impression of a constant line on the work surface, so you aren’t limited to a single direction at which the laser is pointed. Rotary lasers are designed for creating horizontal lines, but there are models which also work vertically. Using a detector has additional benefits as is the case with cross line lasers – it extends your working range which makes large projects easy to level off, and you don’t have to worry about visibility. The typical uses of rotary lasers include:

  • Installation of partition walls and drop ceilings
  • Installation of lighting and electrical layouts
  • General leveling and layout of work sites
  • Leveling of concrete building foundations