Tuesday , February 11 2025

The Power of LED Strip Lights: Illuminate Smart not Hard

Every day we are paying more for energy than we should due to poor insulation, inefficient lights, appliances, and heating and cooling equipment – money we could save by investing in energy efficiency. – Bernie Sanders

Living in the most dynamic of times, the world needs a reliable and eco-friendly energy solution more than ever. Incandescent lighting was what marked the 20th century, however, the technology of today (LED technology, to be more precise) is light years away from it and with it we could be on a good path to fulfilling the thought mentioned in the quote above. This technology is not just eco-friendly and more affordable, but also offers more functionality than any other type of light. One type of LED lighting in particular has been gaining more and more popularity during the last couple of years – strip lights.

LED strip lights are also known as ribbon lights or LED tapes, because they can be applied to any smooth surface. Also, they offer more flexibility and durability than any other LED light, and all of this comes from the adhesive backing feature. Their primal use is as accent or decorating lights and in some cases task lights. They can be used for both commercial and residential settings. Read on to find out more about the benefits of these lights.

One of the most common reasons why people buy LED strip lights online is due to the fact that they are highly energy efficient. Incandescent bulbs use a lot of energy all in vain since most of it ends up as heat instead of light. Everything comes at a price, and the cost of investing in cheap incandescent light bulbs will eventually appear on your electricity bill. If you decide to buy LED strip lights online, on the other hand, you might pay a bit more initially, but they will create a nice white illumination, minus the heat and a figure on your electricity bill.

They have a wide range of usage: office, home, birthdays decoration and much more. They can be easily regulated and produce the amount of illumination you require at the time.

LED strip lights have the longest life-span and can withstand extreme weather conditions, such as cold winter or strong winds, hence the reason they’re commonly used as outdoor lighting. Regarding the lifespan, it can range up to 100,000 hours and if we do the math, that is more than 10 years of continuous use, which makes the LED light more practical, functional and economical.